Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tweaked by Friendster Tweakers.

After lightyears, I finally gave my Friendster account its much needed face-lift.

To hell with the developers of Friendster! I can't place a new background song to fit in my aptly placed (and hardly chosen) design. I've read somewhere that the team doesn't anymore allow music embedding from outside sources unless such sites belong to Friendster's group of profit-making-tweak-providers.

I was in a limbo of site searching and music fitting for like a couple of hours, and guess what? Nothing played and I scrapped everything. Now my profile is as dull as ever. The old design is quite better than the newer one because it did its' job of playing my bg music. Sigh. All I can do now is to stare at it and sing the song by myself.

I also plan to update my blogspot account, but I'm having a dilemma over my multiply. Summer is fast approaching, and in no time, my multiply theme would be in and fit again.

Two years of the same summer theme isn't that boring anyway. You just have to deal with it as if it is spanking new. :))

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