Friday, September 19, 2008

Thoughts at Random..

“The only way to get through troubles is to trail the road which you’re afraid the most."

I’ve been away from the blog world for a couple of weeks, and I actually missed typing my brain out. Reason: to avoid posting blog pieces which cause trouble. Haha! Honestly speaking, it was effective. But I can’t help blurting my day to day intricacies with my trusty keyboard and my ever loyal confidante, my blog site. :D

Here are the recent deeds:

· Somewhat fixed my chaotic and unruly life. Built bridges to reach out and opened doors for a lot more happenings.

· Attended very FEW seminars. Yeah, very, very few. Like I had to attend a ROW of whole day seminars for a single week. I don’t even know what the words r-e-s-t and w-e-e-k-e-n-d mean.

· Successfully ended our class’ first sponsored seminar for the semester, with me and Carlyn as the emcees. Bringing up a jolly atmosphere and adding sophistication to the event was quite difficult though. :D

· Ateneo MISA 2-day seminar is scheduled tomorrow. I wonder if Miggy sleeps tonight. Haha!
· Lent ears to friends’ woes. Also lent a heart, a brain, and a mouth to comfort them. :D

· Savoured the Moon Cake shared by Lei. Yum.

· Annoyed Ma’am Narciso together with my classmates, and she said ‘bat pag Wednesday at Friday lumalabas ang sungay niyo?’ We actually appreciated what she said. Sungays on Wednesdays and Fridays, No sungays for the remaining days of the week.

· Placed pseudo-names on various people. (Kargador sa Pier..etc)

· Drew dreams of my future and currently deciding on which area to concentrate in the IT industry. (Systems Admin? Multimedia? Management?)

· Been to a lot of HAPPY places with my friends. (see photo gallery):D

· Threw away burden, burden, and a lot more burden.

· Mesmerized by the Yuletide ornaments and tunes in National Bookstore. (only 97 days before Christmas..)

· Learned to be complacent. :D

I feel satisfied with all those that took place, primarily because I know that I’m on the right track. I’ll be regularly updating my site again, and of course, not with trouble blogs anymore. I plan to post my Christmas Wish List soon, so get your dose of my blah’s and compare my wish list to yours.. Oha! Oha!:D

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