Friday, January 4, 2013

Clean Slate

As my last post was written on the same month last year, it's high time to get this blog a fresh start for the new year.

Things are changing. I can tell you in a million ways how things get different day by day. More often than not, we tend to ignore these changes as they happen right before our eyes with the daily hustle and bustle. As they appear to be common occurrences, changes lose the capacity to mold our lives the way we want it to be.

This year, I want a number of significant changes to happen and I want to be in full control of things. I am in the process of actually putting up my goals for the year and laying out the means on how to achieve them.
Starting on a clean slate is the perfect opportunity to do such - I'm now open and looking forward for both failures and success for any of my outlined goals.

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