Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I wonder what it is that makes change appear scary to some people.

Maybe some fear losing things that they are very used to, or maybe some just aren't ready to make that big of a leap: if that's how they perceive change even if it isn't something major..

But what we don't realize is that we make changes everyday.
It occurs without warning nor sign.

I'm suddenly writing about this because in a few weeks' time, I'll be embarking on another experience which I really hope will give me another perception in the littlest things that I do every single day.

It may be overrated for some, but I've waited for this for too long.
It'll be my trophy for the recent years that I'm not satisfied with myself and hopefully I can regain that same trust I have in me before I started college.

This came to me as a surprise because it is only just now that these thoughts start to sink on me.

Excitement might spoil the future, so I'll save it all up for later.

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